CoronaVirus COVID-19
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Useful tips ..
The UK is under the spell of the CoronaVirus also called COVID-19 virus. The most efficient way to spread and infect the coronavirus is through the nose and mouth. The virus can spread through the air (especially coughing and sneezing) or through surfaces that are touched and thus infect the person with the CoronaVirus.
We all do our best for a more spread contamination or 'to flatten the curve'.
You can also contribute to this. We have listed some useful tips for you.
For at home
Sick? Measure body temperature to assess your condition, stay indoors. Call a doctor for a better assessment.
Get plenty of exercise at home and eat healthy!
Do not share toiletries with others
Only go outside if it is really necessary.
Ensure good general hygiene
Limit visits to vulnerable people
Going outside or to work?
Disinfect your hands regularly and wear a good mask
Try to touch as few public buttons / railings, etc. as possible
Keep at least 1.5 meters away from each other
Also clean your mouse / keyboard / mobile phone
Cashier? Let people pay with pin as much as possible and wear gloves
Touch your face / nose / mouth as little as possible
Avoid social groups and contacts
Pay extra attention to your general hygiene!
Be Safe!
Team Colorfone