Important changes to our website
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- By Colorfone

In this blog, we will be detailing the changes we made to our website. Through these changes, we strive to provide you with better service.
About us
We made drastic changes to our “About us” page, focusing on what we are, what we do and how can we help our customers to grow their businesses. Specifically, besides an introduction to our current product focus, we added sections which introduce to our services, including wholesaler services, dropshipping and distribution.
Take a look of our new “About us” page here.
Shipping & Returns
We provided much more details in our new “shipping & returns” page. Specifically, customers now can see a clear overview of the delivery times depending on the destination countries. A clear overview is also provided to inform customers the exact shipping cost depending on the shipping carrier and the destination country. We provided extra information on what to do if customers missed their package deliveries. Furthermore, we added two new sections introducing customers to the possibility of dropshipping and ordering large quantities.
Take a look of our new “Shipping & Returns” page here.
The dropshipping page has been completely updated. In order to provide our customers with the best services, we chose to focus our dropshipping services to The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. We updated the shipping and returns section with a better overview of delivery time and delivery cost, depending if customers require the goods to be shipped with track & trace.
Take a look of our new “dropshipping” page here.
Terms & Conditions
We slightly changed Article 10 Use of this website, Article 11 Force majeure and Article 12 Applicable law in our terms and conditions.
Take a look of our new “terms & conditions” page here.
We added a new disclaimer page that separated disclaimer from terms & conditions. On this page, customers can find the latest disclaimer of
Take a look of our new “disclaimer” page here.
We added a new distribution page designed for large suppliers or small businesses. By cooperation, Colorfone can provide distribution and fulfillment services to these companies. On this page, customers can find all the information they need for this cooperation and why to choose Colorfone as a partner.
Take a look of our new “distribution” page here.