COVID test kits
Wholesaler of Corona test kit
All covid 19 tests are of two types (2 different test strands) the PCR/molecular test and the antigen test help find out if a person currently has the covid-19 disease. The other type of test, the antibody or also called serological test, determines whether someone has had the disease in the past and has built up antibodies. PCR tests are currently the most accurate and popular test in analyzing the presence of covid-19.
People are tested for various reasons. The most common reason to get tested is when you have symptoms or when you need to move from one country to another. Based on the country you are in, you must follow the testing policy to fly, for example. If you fly into the Netherlands from a high-risk country, it is indeed mandatory to submit a negative NAAT (PCR) test result.
The number of clinics using the corona test kit is increasing every day. There is indeed a high demand for these devices to detect the virus.
At Colorfone you will find different types of professional corona test kits such as PCR test, antigen test and antibody test.
PCR tests are molecular tests that use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to diagnose the coronavirus. These tests help diagnose whether the patient has a coronavirus infection at the time of the test. Indeed, they are the most accurate COVID-19 tests available today.
Molecular tests detect the RNA, genetic material of the coronavirus. These tests are sensitive, indeed they only require a very small amount of sample. Compared to the other rapid tests, the PCR test takes several hours to provide the results. In addition, the test must be performed by highly trained personnel, with specific reagents and machines. The sample is collected with a nasal or throat swab.
The test detects the virus' RNA, the genetic substance of the virus. The first step of this test is for this RNA to be converted into DNA using the reverse transcriptase enzyme. This is then recognized by the PCR test (also called the diagnostic and nucleic acid amplification tests - NAAT).
Remember that the virus can be incubated while you are being tested. This means that the negative result does not really mean that you are not infected.
To get the result in a shorter time, it is good to use rapid antigen tests. They are diagnostic tests that are less accurate than the PCR tests, but they can give results after 20 minutes. The rapid test device is similar to a pregnancy test and you can take the sample through the nose or throat to detect a protein that is part of the coronavirus. Until now, the most commonly used rapid diagnostic tests are the antigen tests.
The downside is that if a person is still contagious, the tests may come back negative. Depending on the quality of the antigen test and the test subjects, false negatives can be as high as 20%.
That is why Colorfone sells the most qualitative and professional corona test kit to support healthcare.
An antibody test cannot detect whether someone currently has the Covid-19 infection. They use blood samples to detect if someone has produced antibodies to fight COVID-19. These rapid corona antibody tests can determine whether the patient has had the infection in the past.
The sample is not taken with a cotton swab. Only a blood sample is needed to detect the presence of antibodies against the coronavirus. Unfortunately, this test can give a false negative result.
Colorfone is a wholesaler of all types of corona test kits for professionals. We provide high quality products to support in this war against the Coronavirus. Contact us for more information about our products!